女人高潮 69XXXX 喷谢带来的极致体验与感受
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1. Masters, W. H., & Johnson, V. E. (1966). Human sexual response. Boston: Little, Brown.
2. Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., & Martin, C. E. (1948). Sexual behavior in the human male. Philadelphia: Saunders.
3. Bancroft, J. (1998). The physiology of sexual response. New York: Oxford University Press.
4. Laumann, E. O., paik, A., & Rosen, R. C. (1999). Sexual dysfunction in the United States: prevalence and predictors. Journal of the American Medical Association, 281(6), 5,318-5,324.
5. Shifren, J. L., Monz, B. J., Russo, P. A., Segreti, A., & Johannes, C. B. (2009). Sexual problems among women and their partners. The New England Journal of Medicine, 360(9), 9,137-9,149.